These volumes illuminate encounters between the Russians and their favorite texts, a centuries-long and continent-spanning “love story” that shaped the way ...
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Vous l'avez sans doute déjà repéré : sur la plateforme OpenEdition Books, une nouvelle interface vient d'être mise en ligne. En cas d'anomalies au cours de ...
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This book aims to locate and draw out resonances of impressionism in Swedish and Finland-Swedish prose at the end of the nineteenth century, ...
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The reviewers' opinion, of course, is never completely unfounded, and there is undoubtedly a certain amount of 'Englishness' in various features of the book, ...
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“Reader, where are you?”, wondered, in the mid-1880s, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, one of the Russian writers that paid the most attention to the readership ...
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