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This work was published by Saint Philip Street Press pursuant to a Creative Commons license permitting commercial use. All rights not granted by the work's license are retained by the author or authors.
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This is one of the most significant military books of the twentieth century.
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This text is listed on the Course of Reading for SOA Exam P. Probability and Statistics with Applications is an introductory textbook designed to make the subject accessible to college freshmen and sophomores concurrent with Calc II and III ...
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This is a critical point that must be firstly understood as the role of moral ethics has been underpinned in Islam for over 1400 years whilst the concept of CSR remains relatively new for businesses today.The scope of this book is to ...
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"This is a big book in every sense: spirit, vision and coverage. It is an impressive piece of scholarship which will become a marker for all studies of housing and related policy issues.
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This action guide covers the three stages of performance management: goal-setting, coaching, and performance review.
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This work engages Royce's moral theory, revealing how loyalty rather than being just one virtue among others, is central to living a genuinely moral and meaningful life.
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This publication gives a broad analysis of the women's situation, describes the institutional efforts made toward closing gender gaps, and identifies enhancements to development programming assistance that could usher in gender equality.
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This is the result of distributed solar PV: the use of solar power systems by households, businesses and industry to generate their own electricity.