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... search out diligently , f . ex- out + quærere to seek . ] trans . To search ... Q. Corinth iv . iii . ( 1st fol . ) , How she came by it , is not yet ... Strada's Low C. Warres III . 54 Which benefit Granvel ascribed to the Dutchess ...
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... 1. trans . a . To cleanse , purify from , of ( any- thing unclean or ... search out diligently , f . ex- out + quærere to seek . ] trans . To search ... Q. Corinth v . iii . ( 1st fol . ) , How he came by it , is not yet exquired . 1652 ...
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... Q. Rev. June 7 The far - seeing impervertible adroit- ness of the venerated chief . + Imperve stigable , a . Obs . rare . [ f . IM - 2 + * pervestigable adj . , f . L. pervestigare to search ... Strada's Low C. Warres v . 137 What Councel - ...